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Kudos for SIAM Student Chapter led student presence at Cascade RAIN 2024 in Portland April 27, 2024

Kudos for SIAM Student Chapter led student presence at Cascade RAIN 2024 in Portland April 27, 2024

On Saturday April 27, OSU Mathematics graduate and undergraduate students Bang, Fara (*), Fazekas, Mahajan, Mathangadeera (*), Obieke, Oguadimma, Unger-Schulz, Slugg (*) attended the annual Cascade RAIN 2024 meeting hosted this year by Portland State University. Those marked with (*) gave talks. Thank you to the department and Joel Davis awards for (partial) financial support and to Tyler Fara, SIAM Student Chapter President, for organizing the logistics.

The conference is an annual event that was started in 2014 in our department, followed by a 2022 virtual meeting hosted by OSU Mathematics. It is modeled after Finite Element Circus hosted on the East Coast and features an entirely democratic completely random system of choosing the order of presentations of (any) interested speakers. RAIN stands for (not what you think) Regional Applied Interdisciplinary and Numerical Mathematics. The event is coming back in 2025 to OSU Campus.