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Happy Travels

Happy Travels

Vrushali Bokil and Nathan Gibson participated in the 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, held at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan August 20-25, 2023. There were over 5000 participants including three from OSU.

Bokil and Gibson at CIAM Tokyo

Vrushali Bokil and Nathan Gibson at ICIAM Tokyo

Patrick Nabelek was an invited speaker at the Water Waves and Integrable Systems Workshop at the Mittag-Leffler Institute in Stockholm, Sweden in mid-September 2023: . He found time to commune with a statue of the great mathematician Sophia Kovalevskaya.

Patrick Nabelek next to statue of Sophia Kovalevskaya.

Patrick Nabelek next to the statue of Sophia Kovalevskaya

Malgorzata Peszyska and her PhD student Naren Vohra participated in the SIAM Conference on Computational Science in Amsterdam, the Netherlands in February/March 2023. Both delivered invited talks and Peszynska also organized a session. Subsequently, Vohra was invited to write an article based on his talk for SIAM News.

Peszynska and Vohra

Peszynska and Vohra in Amsterdam

Peszynska attended the June 2023 SIAM Geosciences conference in Bergen, Norway, as did Postdoctoral scholar Zach Hilliard and PhD student Nachuan Zhang. Peszynska was on the organizing committee, organized a session, and gave an invited talk. Hilliard gave an invited talk and Zhang gave a contributed talk. Also pictured: Mathematics MS alum Blaec Bejarano, currently an employee of CoCalc. Not pictured: behind the camera was Professor Emeritus Ralph Showalter, who also gave an invited talk.

Peszynska and Bergen Group

[at Northern Lights, Carbon Capture and Storage facility at a visit organized by SIAM Geosciences]

Tom Schmidt visited the Technical University of Delft in February, during which he joined discussions with Mathematics MS alum Slade Sanderson, currently a PhD student at U. Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Schmidt and Sanderson

Tom Schmidt and Slade Sanderson in the Netherlands

Schmidt also attended consecutive workshops at CIRM in Marseille, France in September. His recently graduated PhD student Ayşe Yiltekin-Karataş gave the closing talk at the Continued fractions: multifractal and dynamical aspects workshop. Mathematics MS alum Slade Sanderson also gave a talk.

Schmidt and Yiltekin

Thomas Schmidt and Ayşe Yiltekin-Karataş at CIRM in Marseille, France

Enrique Thomann visited his former PhD student Corina Constantinescu, and gave talks at the University of Manchester, England. He posed in front of the Turing Building, home of the Mathematics and CS department there, with Corina’s husband, Lecturer Ronnie Loeffen.

Thomann and Turing

Thomann and Loeffen in front of the Turing Building

Thomann joined Constantinescu during her annual working visit to the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Kigali, Rwanda.

Thomann and Constantinescu

Enrique Thomann and Corina Constantinescu

Thomann joined Constantinescu during her annual working visit to the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Kigali, Rwanda.

Thomann Lecture at AIMS

Enrique Thomann gives a lecture at AIMS

Holly Swisher's group was selected to participate in the SLMath SRiM program in Berkeley, where they spent two weeks in June 2023 working on a project on hypergeometric supercongruences arising from Ramanujan-Sato series. This photo was taken in the SLMath library and is on the SRiM website:

Holly Swisher and group

Fang-Ting Tu (Louisiana State University), Angelica Babei (Howard University starting in fall), Bella Tobin (Agnes Scott College), Manami Roy (Lafayette College), Holly Swisher (Oregon State)