Check the Mathematics Placement Table below to determine which course(s) you are eligible to take, based on your ALEKS Math Placement Assessment score.
For example, if you have successfully completed Precalculus I: Functions (College Algebra), MTH 111Z, at another institution and score a 50 on the ALEKS Assessment, you will be able to register for MTH 112Z or MTH 241 based on your completion of MTH 111Z. However, if this same student scored a 78 on ALEKS, they would be able to register for MTH 251 directly and not have to take MTH 112Z. The math course(s) you will need to complete for you degree depends on your major, and it is important to discuss with your advisor during your START advising appointment what math courses are needed.
If you are satisfied with your math placement, no further action is required. If you want to try to improve your math placement, you can take the ALEKS Math Placement Assessment again. You are allowed to re-assess a maximum of 4 times. Your highest score will be used for placement. Before re-assessing, you must complete at least 3 hours of study/review using the ALEKS Learning Module.
Your Learning Module will be available for 1 year after your initial Math Placement Assessment. Additional access to ALEKS can be purchased, if needed, by contacting:
You will not be permitted enroll in any courses above your score range, but may enroll in courses below your score range.